The new retreat
from Xi'an centre

3 practises & healings
March 1st, 2nd & 9th
1.30 pm Paris time - 8.30 pm Beijing time
The Xi'an center is happy to offer 3 free healings and practise to present the new retreat on 5 inner organs. We want to welcome everyone that needs support in this difficult period to join our qi field to heal and blossom together. Hao la !
English room
With teachers Yuan et Gao
ID : 925 627 1271
Password : 0000
Recordings link
Salle française :
With Nicolas Lovet-Durbet
ID de réunion : 288 373 2953
Code secret : 0000
Italian room :
Con Delia Trezza
ID riunione: 565 316 695
Passcode: 000
Spanish room :
With Marie Xinlan
Meeting ID: 839 3235 2294
Passcode: haola

The new retreat
5 inner organs
Intensive practise
Deep healing
One month long online retreat
March 9th to April 10th
3 sessions a week :
Tuesday, friday & saturday
13h30 – 15h30 Paris time
8.30 – 10.30 pm Beijing time
2 hours each session
The Huangdi Neijing says :
As long as it is a tendon problem, it is good to treat the liver.
As long as it is a bone problem, it is good to treat kidneys.
As long as it is a muscle problem, it is good to treat spleen and stomach.
As long as it is a blood problem, it is good to treat the heart.
As long as it is a skin disease or hair problem, it is good to treat lungs.

The Xi'an centre will start a new intensive workshop on 5 internal organs. We will focus on the practice
to strengthen, heal and improve 5 internal organs.
It will be combine with the intensive training through emotions, sounds, movements and breaths in order to :
Strengthen, improve and heal internal organs and visceras
Strengthen, improve and heal hormonal system problems.
Heal any part of the body.
Improve deeply the vitality.
Balance emotions to find peace and stability
Be more joyful and happy in daily life
Heal depression and hyper-sensibility problems.
Pass through pride, fear, anger, anxiety and sorrow
Experience inner peace and deep calm from within
Improve consciousness clarity and purity
Improve wisdom and develop paranormal abilities
Improve will power and self confidence
Improve life into a more loveful way of living !

The three-layer substance structure theory.
Yiyuanti theory.
What do we need for life.
Being the master of your own life.
Five internal organs and the sound.
Five internal organs and the emotion.
Five internal organs and breath.
There will be standing, sitting and lying methods
Kaihe and sound of liver and gallbladder
Kaihe and sound of kidneys and bladder
Kaihe and sound of spleen, pancreas and stomach
Kaihe and sound of heart and small intestine
Kaihe and sound of lungs and large intestine
Chen Qi
Rou Fu Ju Qi
Wall Squats
The main classroom will be only in english
The retreat will be translated simultaneously into different languages into other zoom rooms. There will be translation in italian, spanish, hebrew, german, french, indie.
If you need a translation, register directly with your organiser,
You can send an email here to have the list of the translation available
Retreat fees
The price doesn't include paypal fees,
Thank you to add them
First retreat : 230usd
Second retreat or more : 210usd
Recordings only : 200usd
This include :
12 sessions during one month (24h)
There will be no session on the april 2nd & 3rd, it will be postponed to April 6th and 10th
Online access and download to video and audio recordings
An online practioners community to support
our practice, teaching and blossoming process
The support of the yiyuanti field
for everyone to get that he really wants.
Complete the english form below, under the french one.
If you want to register for a translated class, see directly with your translator or send a mail to
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